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MCQs: Solar & Lunar Eclipse: Everyday Science MCQs:

Solar & Lunar Eclipse

1. What is a solar eclipse?

   a) When the Moon passes between the Sun and Earth, blocking the Sun’s light

   b) When the Earth passes between the Sun and Moon, blocking the Moon’s light

   c) When the Earth casts a shadow on the Moon, causing it to darken

   d) When the Moon casts a shadow on the Earth, causing darkness

   Answer: a) When the Moon passes between the Sun and Earth, blocking the Sun’s light

2. During a total solar eclipse, what part of the Sun is visible?

   a) Sun’s corona

   b) Sun’s core

   c) Sun’s photosphere

   d) Sun’s chromosphere

   Answer: a) Sun’s corona

3. Why don’t solar eclipses occur every month?

   a) The Moon’s orbit is tilted with respect to Earth’s orbit.

   b) The Moon’s shadow does not always reach Earth.

   c) The Sun’s brightness is constant throughout the year.

   d) The Moon’s size changes regularly.

   Answer: a) The Moon’s orbit is tilted with respect to Earth’s orbit.

4. What is the darkest part of the Moon’s shadow during a solar eclipse called?

   a) Penumbra

   b) Corona

   c) Umbra

   d) Photosphere

   Answer: c) Umbra

5. During a lunar eclipse, what causes the Moon to appear reddish in color?

   a) Earth’s shadow completely blocks all sunlight from reaching the Moon.

   b) Earth’s atmosphere scatters the blue light, allowing the red light to pass through.

   c) The Moon’s surface reflects red light from nearby stars.

   d) The Sun’s light refracts and creates a red halo around the Moon.

   Answer: b) Earth’s atmosphere scatters the blue light, allowing the red light to pass through.

6. Which type of lunar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes only through Earth’s penumbral shadow?

   a) Partial lunar eclipse

   b) Total lunar eclipse

   c) Penumbral lunar eclipse

   d) Annular lunar eclipse

   Answer: c) Penumbral lunar eclipse

7. How often do total solar eclipses occur at any specific location on Earth?

   a) Every year

   b) Every two years

   c) Every five years

   d) It varies from location to location

   Answer: d) It varies from location to location

8. What is the name of the phenomenon when a sliver of the Sun is still visible around the edges of the Moon during a total solar eclipse?

   a) Totality

   b) Umbra

   c) Annularity

   d) Diamond ring effect

   Answer: d) Diamond ring effect

9. What is the term for the alignment of the Sun, Earth, and Moon that occurs during an eclipse?

   a) Orbital position

   b) Celestial conjunction

   c) Syzygy

   d) Solar event

   Answer: c) Syzygy

10. Which type of solar eclipse occurs when the Moon’s apparent size is smaller than the Sun’s, leaving a bright ring of sunlight visible around the Moon’s edges?

    a) Total solar eclipse

    b) Partial solar eclipse

    c) Annular solar eclipse

    d) Hybrid solar eclipse

    Answer: c) Annular solar eclipse

11. During a total solar eclipse, when is it safe to look directly at the Sun without eye protection?

    a) During totality

    b) During the diamond ring effect

    c) Never, it is never safe to look directly at the Sun during a solar eclipse

    d) During partial phases

    Answer: a) During totality

12. What is the approximate duration of a total solar eclipse at any given location on Earth?

    a) A few seconds

    b) A few minutes

    c) One hour

    d) Half a day

    Answer: b) A few minutes

13. When a solar eclipse occurs, what phase is the Moon in?

    a) Full Moon

    b) Waxing Crescent

    c) Waning Crescent

    d) New Moon

    Answer: d) New Moon

14. Which type of lunar eclipse occurs when only a part of the Moon passes through Earth’s umbral shadow?

    a) Penumbral lunar eclipse

    b) Partial lunar eclipse

    c) Total lunar eclipse

    d) Annular lunar eclipse

    Answer: b) Partial lunar eclipse

15. Which type of solar eclipse occurs when the Sun, Moon, and Earth are perfectly aligned, but the apparent size of the Moon is larger than the Sun’s, completely covering the Sun’s disc?

    a) Partial solar eclipse

    b) Total solar eclipse

    c) Annular solar eclipse

    d) Hybrid solar eclipse

    Answer: b) Total solar eclipse

16. What is the approximate frequency of total solar eclipses visible from any specific location on Earth’s surface?

    a) Every month

    b) Every six months

    c) Every year

    d) Every two years

    Answer: c) Every year

17. Which type of lunar eclipse occurs when the entire Moon passes through Earth’s umbral shadow?

    a) Penumbral lunar eclipse

    b) Partial lunar eclipse

    c) Total lunar eclipse

    d) Annular lunar eclipse

    Answer: c) Total lunar eclipse

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