MCQs: MS Office Keyboard Shortcuts: MS Word, Excel, Powerpoint Keys:

MS Word Keys
1: What is the keyboard shortcut to undo the last action in Microsoft Word?
A) Ctrl + Z
B) Ctrl + Y
C) Ctrl + X
D) Ctrl + C
Answer: A
2: What is the keyboard shortcut to redo the last undone action in Microsoft Word?
A) Ctrl + Y
B) Ctrl + Z
C) Ctrl + X
D) Ctrl + C
Answer: A
3: What is the keyboard shortcut to save a document in Microsoft Word?
A) Ctrl + S
B) Ctrl + N
C) Ctrl + O
D) Ctrl + P
Answer: A
4: What is the keyboard shortcut to open a new document in Microsoft Word?
A) Ctrl + N
B) Ctrl + S
C) Ctrl + O
D) Ctrl + P
Answer: A
5: What is the keyboard shortcut to close a document in Microsoft Word?
A) Ctrl + W
B) Ctrl + C
C) Ctrl + X
D) Ctrl + V
Answer: A
6: What is the keyboard shortcut to copy selected text in Microsoft Word?
A) Ctrl + C
B) Ctrl + V
C) Ctrl + X
D) Ctrl + A
Answer: A
7: What is the keyboard shortcut to cut selected text in Microsoft Word?
A) Ctrl + X
B) Ctrl + C
C) Ctrl + V
D) Ctrl + A
Answer: A
8: What is the keyboard shortcut to paste copied or cut text in Microsoft Word?
A) Ctrl + V
B) Ctrl + C
C) Ctrl + X
D) Ctrl + A
Answer: A
9: What is the keyboard shortcut to select all text in a document in Microsoft Word?
A) Ctrl + A
B) Ctrl + S
C) Ctrl + O
D) Ctrl + P
Answer: A
10: What is the keyboard shortcut to find text in a document in Microsoft Word?
A) Ctrl + F
B) Ctrl + H
C) Ctrl + E
D) Ctrl + K
Answer: A
11: What is the keyboard shortcut to replace text in a document in Microsoft Word?
A) Ctrl + H
B) Ctrl + F
C) Ctrl + E
D) Ctrl + K
Answer: A
12: What is the keyboard shortcut to bold selected text in Microsoft Word?
A) Ctrl + B
B) Ctrl + U
C) Ctrl + I
D) Ctrl + T
Answer: A
13: What is the keyboard shortcut to italicize selected text in Microsoft Word?
A) Ctrl + I
B) Ctrl + B
C) Ctrl + U
D) Ctrl + T
Answer: A
14: What is the keyboard shortcut to underline selected text in Microsoft Word?
A) Ctrl + U
B) Ctrl + B
C) Ctrl + I
D) Ctrl + T
Answer: A
15: What is the keyboard shortcut to remove formatting from selected text in Microsoft Word?
A) Ctrl + Space
B) Ctrl + Shift + N
C) Ctrl + Shift + F
D) Ctrl + Shift + L
Answer: B
16: What is the keyboard shortcut to change the font of selected text in Microsoft Word?
A) Ctrl + D
B) Ctrl + F
C) Ctrl + Shift + F
D) Ctrl + Shift + P
Answer: C
17: What is the keyboard shortcut to increase font size in Microsoft Word?
A) Ctrl + ]
B) Ctrl + [
C) Ctrl + Shift + ]
D) Ctrl + Shift + [
Answer :A
18: What is the keyboard shortcut to decrease font size in Microsoft Word?
A) Ctrl + [
B) Ctrl + ]
C) Ctrl + Shift + [
D) Ctrl + Shift + ]
Answer: A
19: What is the keyboard shortcut to change the case of selected text in Microsoft Word?
A) Shift + F3
B) Ctrl + Shift + C
C) Ctrl + Shift + V
D) Ctrl + Shift + L
Answer: A
20: What is the keyboard shortcut to create a new page in Microsoft Word?
A) Ctrl + Enter
B) Ctrl + Shift + Enter
C) Alt + Enter
D) Shift + Enter
Answer: A
21: What is the keyboard shortcut to insert a hyperlink in Microsoft Word?
A) Ctrl + K
B) Ctrl + H
C) Ctrl + L
D) Ctrl + E
Answer: A
22: What is the keyboard shortcut to insert a new comment in Microsoft Word?
A) Ctrl + Alt + M
B) Ctrl + M
C) Ctrl + Shift + M
D) Ctrl + N
Answer: A
23: What is the keyboard shortcut to navigate to the next comment in Microsoft Word?
A) Ctrl + Alt + N
B) Ctrl + N
C) Ctrl + Shift + N
D) Ctrl + M
Answer: A
24: What is the keyboard shortcut to format selected text as a numbered list in Microsoft Word?
A) Ctrl + Shift + N
B) Ctrl + Shift + L
C) Ctrl + Shift + O
D) Ctrl + Shift + P
Answer: B
25: What is the keyboard shortcut to format selected text as a bulleted list in Microsoft Word?
A) Ctrl + Shift + L
B) Ctrl + Shift + N
C) Ctrl + Shift + O
D) Ctrl + Shift + P
Answer: A
26: What is the keyboard shortcut to align selected text to the left in Microsoft Word?
A) Ctrl + L
B) Ctrl + E
C) Ctrl + R
D) Ctrl + J
Answer: A
27: What is the keyboard shortcut to align selected text to the center in Microsoft Word?
A) Ctrl + E
B) Ctrl + L
C) Ctrl + R
D) Ctrl + J
Answer: A
28: What is the keyboard shortcut to align selected text to the right in Microsoft Word?
A) Ctrl + R
B) Ctrl + L
C) Ctrl + E
D) Ctrl + J
Answer: A
29: What is the keyboard shortcut to create a new table in Microsoft Word?
A) Ctrl + Shift + T
B) Ctrl + T
C) Ctrl + Shift + N
D) Ctrl + Shift + O
Answer: A
20: What is the keyboard shortcut to navigate to the next table cell in Microsoft Word?
A) Tab
B) Shift + Tab
C) Ctrl + Tab
D) Alt + Tab
Answer: A
MS Excel Shortcut Keys
1: What is the shortcut key to save an Excel file?
A. Ctrl+S
B. Ctrl+P
C. Ctrl+A
D. Ctrl+X
Answer: A
2: Which keyboard shortcut is used to insert a new row in Excel?
A. Ctrl+R
B. Ctrl+Shift+R
C. Ctrl+I
D. Ctrl+Shift+Plus Sign
Answer: D
3: Which keyboard shortcut is used to apply a border to a cell in Excel?
A. Ctrl+B
B. Ctrl+Shift+B
C. Ctrl+Alt+B
D. Ctrl+Shift+Alt+B
Answer: A
4: Which keyboard shortcut is used to select the entire worksheet in Excel?
A. Ctrl+A
B. Ctrl+Shift+A
C. Ctrl+E
D. Ctrl+Shift+E
Answer: A
5: Which keyboard shortcut is used to delete a column in Excel?
A. Ctrl+D
B. Ctrl+Shift+D
C. Ctrl+K
D. Ctrl+Shift+Minus Sign
Answer: D
6: Which keyboard shortcut is used to copy a cell in Excel?
A. Ctrl+C
B. Ctrl+X
C. Ctrl+V
D. Ctrl+Z
Answer: A
7: Which keyboard shortcut is used to paste a cell in Excel?
A. Ctrl+V
B. Ctrl+C
C. Ctrl+X
D. Ctrl+Z
Answer: A
8: Which keyboard shortcut is used to select a range of cells in Excel?
A. Shift+Arrow Keys
B. Ctrl+Arrow Keys
C. Alt+Arrow Keys
D. Ctrl+Shift+Arrow Keys
Answer: D
9: Which keyboard shortcut is used to hide a row in Excel?
A. Ctrl+H
B. Ctrl+Shift+H
C. Ctrl+9
D. Ctrl+Shift+9
Answer: C
10: Which keyboard shortcut is used to open the “Find and Replace” dialog box in Excel?
A. Ctrl+F
B. Ctrl+Shift+F
C. Ctrl+R
D. Ctrl+Shift+R
Answer: A
11: Which ribbon contains the “Page Break Preview” option in Excel?
A. Home
B. Insert
C. Page Layout
D. View
Answer: C
12: Which keyboard shortcut is used to insert the current date in Excel?
A. Ctrl+D
B. Ctrl+Shift+D
C. Ctrl+;
D. Ctrl+Shift+;
Answer: C
13: Which keyboard shortcut is used to open the “Format Cells” dialog box in Excel?
A. Ctrl+1
B. Ctrl+2
C. Ctrl+3
D. Ctrl+4
Answer: A
14: Which keyboard shortcut is used to create a new worksheet in Excel?
A. Ctrl+N
B. Ctrl+Shift+N
C. Ctrl+Alt+N
D. Ctrl+Alt+Shift+N
Answer: A
15: Which keyboard shortcut is used to move to the next worksheet in Excel?
A. Ctrl+Tab
B. Ctrl+Shift+Tab
C. Ctrl+Page Up
D. Ctrl+Page Down
Answer: Ctrl+Page Down
MS Power Point Keyboard Shortcuts
1: Which of the following is a shortcut key to save a PowerPoint presentation?
A) Ctrl + S
B) Ctrl + P
C) Ctrl + C
D) Ctrl + V
Answer: A
2: Which of the following is a shortcut key to copy selected text in PowerPoint?
A) Ctrl + C
B) Ctrl + V
C) Ctrl + X
D) Ctrl + A
Answer: A
3: Which of the following is a shortcut key to undo an action in PowerPoint?
A) Ctrl + Z
B) Ctrl + Y
C) Ctrl + X
D) Ctrl + V
Answer: A
4: Which of the following is a shortcut key to cut selected text in PowerPoint?
A) Ctrl + X
B) Ctrl + C
C) Ctrl + V
D) Ctrl + A
Answer: A